Articles on: Folders

Subfolders in relatico

Here is a detailed view of how subfolders work in relatico:

My Relatico
All of the files and folders will show up here in a hierarchical order. Only the top level folders and files that belong to My Relatico will be visible.

When you filter, the folders and files will appear in a flat list (all of the files and folders in the system will appear based on the filter).
Hide/Show Columns:
Customize your view depending on what you need to see most. Information in the table will vary based on whether the column has a file or a folder attribute.
A folder with subfolders has an icon showing multiple folders, while a regular folder (no subfolders) has a single folder icon. This is to help you differentiate between them as you are managing your data.

Shared with Me:
When someone has shared a folder with you, you will only see that folder (without the subfolders).
If the user does share the nested folders, they will show up as a flat list in the Shared with Me location of your account.

Sharing Subfolders and Folders with contacts:
When you share a folder with your contact, it will only share the contents of that folder (aka only files, no subfolders).
If you would like to share all of the folders within this parent folder, then you will need to share them one by one. This is to ensure transparency when sharing folder contents.

When you delete a folder with subfolders, it will arrive in the Deleted section of the app
You can always restore the folders that you have deleted, however, their location may vary based on the parent folder that it was assigned to in the first place.
If the folder was assigned to My Relatico, then the restored folders will arrive to My Relatico.
If the folder was nested within any other folder BUT My Relatico, the restored folder will arrive to My Relatico with all of its nested folders intact.

You are able to filter subfolders and folder contents in the following locations:
My Relatico
Folder Details View
When you filter in these locations, you will see a flat list of all of the contents within the folders (including subfolders and their contents).

If you have further questions or need clarification, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

Updated on: 04/06/2020

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