Articles on: Folders

Basic Information: Sharing Folders

Basic information: Sharing folders

Sharing folders is useful for many different purposes:

With employees / colleagues:
If employees of your team, who do not work in your relatico account, but should see some or all of your files
When other locations of your company need access or need to work with your files.
When other departments of your company need access or need to work with your files.

With suppliers:
to download templates
to download your certificates
to collaborate on your pre-filled specifications
during the material approval / sampling process

With customers:
if you want to release product documentation

You can share folders in four ways:
Via a shareable link - the recipient only needs the link to see the folder. Find out more here ...
Read access.
Via write access - relatico.
Full edit access

For points 2, 3, and 4 the recipient will need a relatico account.

You can also share individual files in relatico.

Updated on: 21/08/2020

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